NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token, which means a “non-exchangeable thing.”
An NFT can be anything – an image, a photo, a piece of music, or even a logo. It is an original item that is offered on a blockchain platform such as OpenSea. These digital unique items are stored securely on the internet, and it is possible to see who the owner is, what they paid for it, and at what price they offer it for direct purchase or auction, should they choose to sell it.
NFTs can be traded further on a blockchain, using cryptocurrencies like Ethereum or Bitcoin.
However, this does not protect against copies being made of the original item, such as a painting. The original belongs to the owner, while copies may exist elsewhere.
NFT prices can be very high, with the most expensive item being sold for 69 million dollars on Sotheby’s.
OOO-Logos as NFTs?
Logos are also available as NFTs.
You will soon find some logos for auction on OpenSea. More will follow.
Current logos are/will be listed with the following categories and are therefore also available on the OpenSea page:
– Initial letters of “ich” mantras and suggestions (max. 1000 pieces)
– Special numbers such as 777 or 888 (max. 3000 pieces) see also price overview
– Coordinates of special places (max. 3000 pieces)
Series from these areas will follow on OpenSea! Also in foreign languages and scripts!
Note: Maximum quantity information refers to each language / script (such as Chinese / Cyrillic characters or Hindi).